There is a great article in today's WSJ by Daniel Henniger called "Has Obama buried Reagan?"
The article makes the perfect point that if we could get one person who could explain Reganomics (a.k.a. ECONOMIC GROWTH!) only HALF as well as Ronald Reagan, we'd win back this country. As a conservative it is SO frustrating that nationaly known Republicans are so poor at articulating our basic fiscal values. Who are these gutless idiots? For crying out loud-- LOW TAXES, Stable MONETARY POLICY, BALANCED BUDGETS throug smaller and smaller governement...And for the love of God almighty -- FREEDOM!!!! LIBERTY! Why can't these LOSERS get this basic concept out there. We're Americans, we don't need this disgusting, revolting nanny state that Obamunism is foisting upon us.
Rush is totally right. DO NOT BE EMBARASSED TO BE CONSERVATIVE. This IS a Conservative-right nation. Even people who don't consider themselves conseravtive DO act and believe based on fiscal conservative values.
Henniger is right - Economics in one Lesson, Free to Choose, The Reagan Diaries...if only they taught these texts in school!
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