I’m starting to wonder if the right approach in Iraq would be to just openly say that the U.S. doesn’t ever plan to leave. Sixty years after World War II, the United States is just over the past few years ratcheting down its military presence in Germany. What’s the rush to get out of Iraq?
Democrats who continually harp that we “must know when” troops are coming home are guilty of playing politics with human lives. These people cannot possibly really believe that publishing a time table for U.S. troop withdrawals is anything other than conceding defeat. Instead they are yelling this from the rooftops because they know the American electorate is feeling unsure about the efforts in Iraq. They are doing nothing more than trying to weaken the power of a President from an opposing party, and in doing so they’re sending a message that the Unites States is weak.
Defeatists on both sides of the aisle openly doubt whether a free democratic state in the Middle East is even possible. To doubt that all humans yearn to be free is short-sighted, foolish, and its base, frankly, racist. The freedom of thought, movement, and self-expression that we enjoy in the United States is the exact source of this country's political, economic, and moral power. Every human heart yearns for respect and appreciation of one’s unique persona. Achieving that feeling is simply not possible for the citizens of authoritarian or totalitarian controlled countries. The United States should always stand for freedom and liberty, and for elected officials to actually discredit the existence of a people’s potential to be free is…well, un-American.
A democratic state in the Middle East is a just cause. Argue all you like whether the argument for this war was right in the first place, what we are now working to accomplish is a noble effort. Saddam Hussein is one of the world’s most notorious murderers, responsible for close to two million deaths. How is it that the world is not a better place with this butcher taken from power? How is it that a free state in the heart of the oppressed Middle East would not be a victory for the entire human race?
In an uncertain world filled with new dangers, it is clear that all eyes are on the actions of the United States. The United States congressmen nipping at the President’s Iraq policy based on the American public’s current lack of confidence are nothing more than political opportunists. They would better serve their constituents, and the world, by showing the patience, the resolve, and the backbone that George W. Bush has. It is through continued actions that the U.S. proves to the world that we stand for freedom, and that we will always be prepared to defend it.