Those whacky Democrats! The party who always lays claim to “protecting the little guy,” apparently doesn’t apply that spirit of public service to those who wear a uniform and get paid by the hour. Normally I wouldn’t pick on all of the Democrats for Georgia Representative Cynthia McKinney’s preposterous, but singularly executed behavior toward a Capitol Policeman this week. However Representative McKinney’s pulling of the race card in what is so obviously a case of hubris run wild is so typical of the left these days.
When asked about the incident with the Capitol security officer, Representative McKinney insisted the reason she was pulled aside was racial profiling adding, “"Let me first say this has become much ado about a hairdo." The really sad part of the political correctness movement is that it’s put the scare of the “r” word so deep in American society that it has become permissible for the atom bomb of political insults to be dropped on even the most innocuous of events. Don’t get me wrong, disobeying and even overtly disrespecting a uniformed police officer is pretty heinous behavior.
This Conservative Republican will go on the record and say this little incident certainly doesn’t warrant the time of the Justice Department or the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia. I mean honestly, we’re going to waste the time of a Grand Jury on this incident? What I would say is that with all the real negative effect of true acts of racism in the world today, are you, the people of Georgia’s 4th Congressional District really happy being represented by someone who screams “racism” to cover up her own bad behavior?
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