Ugh, Chris Matthews is such a bore. Tonight on Hardball they keep showing and totally HARPING on the Brian Williams interview on "does the President read?"
So the questions from Williams went like this... (paraphrasing) " Here is Time and Newsweek, do you read these magazines." Answer, "no I really don't." Then "How much of the network news do you watch?"
First of all - Time and Newsweek are pretty much crap! These are MASS market magazines that have some fine articles, but are really just People Magazine level consumption of the news. Sure, they have some good articles, but other times it's "McNews magazine-ed down." The same goes for the Nightly News on any of the networks! It is produced for mass consumption. If you want to be a truly informed person in this country, you MUST read from multiple sources (I'd say three or more a day- probably more). And at least five or six different sources a week- probably more.
Then Matthews asked something totally asinine of Brian Williams, "Did you get the feeling Brian that he really wanted to do this interview or his uh, public relations people said you have to get out there and kill the idea that you're isolated." Then followed a very serious reply by Brian Williams to this silly question. UGH! I like Hardball, I watch it all the time, but oh my God! Chris Matthews is such an arrogant ass! Just come out and say you hate the President! Having these totally random, unimportant, and completely pointless conversations about whether the President felt like having an interview with Brian Williams - a male Barbie doll - is ridiculous. Of course he didn't! Who wants to talk to an overly-biased thick head who is paid to basically try and trip you into saying something dumb?
I am SO SICK of the insuation that the President of the United States is uninformed or stupid. It is way too hard to become the President of the United States of America - one in 300 million people each election (well, less considering the number of elegible candidates) to be a STUPID person and get elected. Just get over it. Stop the silly media machine.
When the President answers Barbie Williams that yes in fact he does read the papers, what Paper do they show in the produced-by-a-liberal-member-of-the-media news story. USA TODAY -- the nation's "McPaper." Give me a break.
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