Thursday, April 13, 2006

Accountants just want to have fun...

The Wall Street Journal's Op Ed page is a never ending stream of blatent common sense. I love it. I'm not talking about the featured editorials that can come from readers (though they're usually of interest) but the ones that represent the opinion of "the paper." Whoever wrote today's brief, six paragraph treatise on the coplexity of our federal income tax code should be given a medal.

It's so short I wish i could just reprint it here. However, since that' s probably illegal, I'll just give the pointer above. For those of you without WSJ access it boils down to -- our current tax code is so complicated that most "professional" tax preparers cannot prepare tax returns error free at high rate. Washington's answer is is to that is to propose more training or a "certification" for tax preparers. Of course, this "bass ackwards" Washinton D.C. logic would mean higher costs for cititzens looking for help complying with this tax code monstrosity, and would not garuntee better results.

The real answer is to fix this Frankenstein of a tax code.

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